Pubblicazione del libro "Il Mondo di Lucy"
Cari amici, una bella notizia: FacileAiutoEditore ha pubblicato il libro "Il Mondo di Lucy".
È un diario, con tante fotografie e disegni, che racconta la storia che avete letto qui sul sito, con qualcosa in più.
Chi lo desidera può acquistarlo direttamente a questo indirizzo: https://www.facilea.it/it/libri/45-il-mondo-di-lucy.html.
Il Mondo di Lucy
This website speaks of hope, of a choice which was made out of love, and which has in turn generated love.
We were free to choose a dark path, take our distance in just one moment, with a simple “no”.
We chose life, Lucy’s life. And Lucy has lit up our lives.
Each page tells of a small step taken, of a piece of our journey, a path filled with difficulty and with hope.
You’ll find thoughts and reflections born from an encounter, from a friend’s embrace from the instinctive need to describe what’s happening in our lives.
All of this with a strong desire in our hearts:
some day, in some way, to be able to give someone else a hand.
Anna e Gianluca
Medjugorje - 2015 (Testimony in English)
Testimony in Medjugorje (August 3, 2015 - Mladifest)